Our First Week On The Road Full Time

The idea of living on the road full time as RVers traveling the American West started about 5 years ago. My friends Bob and Carly had an RV in St. Louis that they weren’t using anymore, and Sara posed the idea…what if we bought that RV, renovated it into our home and traveled full time until we found a new place to live…

Fast forward five years, a trip to Colorado, Covid and a hand full of other short term delays, and we made it. We moved out of our Condo, and onto our 30 year old, 30 foot long RV, Doris The Slow Loris. Our route will take us through South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana and possibly back into Colorado before we are done, 6ish thousand miles and a whole lot of memories.

The first part of any on these trips is typically covering miles through states that aren’t as desirable as the end destination, but pose fun stops along the way none the less. It’s a good time to shake down your routines, travel chores and figure out how much stuff you brought that you’re likely never going to use.

Our first week took us across Missouri, into Kansas City, and then North through Iowa, Nebraska and into South Dakota. We stopped at Waubonsie State Park in Iowa, and then Lake Mitchell RV Campground in South Dakota on our way to Wall South Dakota where we spent a half a day cruising around our first National Park in about three years, Badlands National Park. We then cruised across the state toward the famous Sturgis South Dakota where we posted up for a few days, waiting out the heat before crossing into Wyoming.


Hiking In Yellowstone National Park


Backpacking Gear for a Summer One-Nighter