Katadyn BeFree Water Filter Review

The Katadyn BeFree Water Filter is my go to choice for backpacking, camping, hiking and fly fishing. I love the BeFree for a bunch of reasons, but at the top, is the flow rate. I’ve used lots of different Sawyer water filters and they always took way to long for me to feel like they were convenient. I always had to squeeze to hard, especially when it was cold outside or the water temp was low.

The BeFree filter solves that problem with a far more open design, making filtering most water, an absolute breeze. It’s light weight, it’s easy to use, it’s durable and simple and all of the things we love in backpacking gear. They absolutely hit the nail on the head with this product.

Katadyn has teamed up with Hydrapak for the bladders that are available and the 1 liter bag that comes with the filter for $40 at the time of this article is a great product.

The total solution is easy to clean by simply shaking the filter in some clean moving water and shaking it out as well as possible.

I’ve enjoyed using the BeFree filter and it will continue to be the staple in my bag for a good while.

If you are interested in water filters of all kinds and varieties, or to see how I compare the BeFree to the Sawyer filters, check out this video I did a couple years ago on the topic:

Video - Water Filtration For Backpacking


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